November 1, 2020

There are unexpected areas to be found all over Kansas; the Slate Creek Marsh is a place I'd never seen.


Slate Creek Wetlands Wildlife Management Area

Slate Creek was one of the 12 marsh areas that were given to the State of Kansas by the United States Congress upon statehood. These marshes were intended to start salt production in the state; however the state sold these areas to private interests soon after statehood and used the money to fund what is now Emporia State University. Slate Creek Wetlands was purchased jointly funded by Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks and Ducks Unlimited.

The area consists of 947 acres, of which; 50 acres are marshes, and the remainder is grassland, creek drainage, and food plots. The entire area lies within the flood plain of Slate Creek. Although the area was purchased for waterfowl use and management, there are excellent populations of pheasants, quail and deer. Doves, rabbits, squirrels and many furbearers are also present. The many nongame species for wildlife on the make it an excellent area for bird watching, photography, and hiking.

--WMA website

The water comes from nearby Slate Creek, and depending on recent weather, this entire area could be covered in water.

It's a combination of prairie and marsh.  I you head out on dry land, you might find that it's not really so dry.



A beautiful area.


last edit: 11/1/2020